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TJFields - Integrating with extensions

Integrating with extensions

How to integrate client with TJFields?

Here the Client represents the view (Product Creation Form) of the vertical extension (Shopping Cart Extension) where you want to use TJ - Fields to get support of custom/extra fields (Product Attributes). e.g com_quick2cart.product, com_tjlms.lesson etc

To integrate TJFields with your client you need to add the code given below in respective files

1. Model file of client (Product Model)

All the functions to retrieve form of custom/extra fields, form data and function to save data of fields are written in trait TjfieldsFilterField.


// Import the “Trait” file of TJFields in the model file
JLoader::import('components.com_tjfields.filterFields', JPATH_SITE);

class [COMPONENT]Model[VIEW] extends JModelForm
    // Use imported Trait in model
    use TjfieldsFilterField;

2. view.html.php file of view (view.html.php of product form view)

In view.html.php file you need to get the object of form of custom(Extra) fields created in TJFields so that they can be displayed in the client view.

// Call to form_exta function defied in TJFields trait class
$input  = JFactory::getApplication()->input;

// Id of record to which the extra data is associated
$input->set("content_id", $id);
$model = $this->getModel();
$this->form_extra = $model->getFormExtra($data);
The function getFormExtra() will return the JForm object of extra fields.

Parameter to be passed to the function getFormExtra()

  1. $data (Array)
$data["category"] => // category of content
$data["clientComponent"] => // component name
$data["client"] => //[COMPONENT_NAME].[VIEW_NAME]
$data["view"] => [VIEW_NAME]
$data["layout"] => // Layout name


$this->form_extra = array();
$Quick2cartModelProduct = $this->getModel('product');

// Call to extra fields
$this->form_extra = $Quick2cartModelProduct->getFormExtra(
        "category" => $this->itemDetail['category'],
        "clientComponent" => 'com_quick2cart',
        "client" => 'com_quick2cart.product',
        "view" => 'product',
        "layout" => 'new'

$this->form_extra = array_filter($this->form_extra);

3. Layout file of view

You need to add the layout file named default_extrafields.php in the tmpl folder of the view

Code to call the default_extrafields layout. (You need to paste this in default layout of the client form view)

if (!empty($this->form_extra))
  echo $this->loadTemplate('extrafields');

Code for the extrafields layout

 * @package    TJFields
 * @author     Techjoomla <[email protected]>
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2009-2019 TechJoomla. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later.

// No direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die;

$fieldsets_counter = 0;
$layout  = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('layout');

if ($this->form_extra)
    // Iterate through the normal form fieldsets and display each one
    $fieldSets = $this->form_extra->getFieldsets();

    foreach ($fieldSets as $fieldset)
        if (count($fieldSets) > 1)
            if ($fieldsets_counter == 0)
                echo JHtml::_('bootstrap.startTabSet', 'extrafields_myTab');


            if (count($this->form_extra->getFieldset($fieldset->name)))
                foreach ($this->form_extra->getFieldset($fieldset->name) as $field)
                    if (!$field->hidden)
                        $tabName = JFilterOutput::stringURLUnicodeSlug(trim($fieldset->name));
                        echo JHtml::_("bootstrap.addTab", "extrafields_myTab", $tabName, $fieldset->name);

        <div class="row">
            // Iterate through the fields and display them
            foreach ($this->form_extra->getFieldset($fieldset->name) as $field)
                if (!$field->hidden)
                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <div class="col-sm-4 control-label">
                                <?php echo $field->label; ?>
                            <div class="col-sm-8">
                                <?php echo $field->input; ?>

                            // TODO :- Check and remove
                            if ($field->type == 'File')
                                <script type="text/javascript">
                                    jQuery(document).ready(function ()
                                        var fieldValue = "<?php echo $field->value; ?>";
                                        var AttrRequired = jQuery('#<?php echo $field->id;?>').attr('required');
                                        if (typeof AttrRequired !== typeof undefined && AttrRequired !== false)
                                            if (fieldValue)
                                                jQuery('#<?php echo $field->id;?>').removeAttr("required");
                                                jQuery('#<?php echo $field->id;?>').removeClass("required");

        if (count($fieldSets) > 1)
            if (count($this->form_extra->getFieldset($fieldset->name)))
                foreach ($this->form_extra->getFieldset($fieldset->name) as $field)
                    if (!$field->hidden)
                        echo JHtml::_("bootstrap.endTab");

    if (count($fieldSets) > 1)
        echo JHtml::_('bootstrap.endTabSet');
    <div class="alert alert-info">
        <?php echo JText::_('COM_TJFIELDS_NO_EXTRA_FIELDS_FOUND');?>

4. Model file of client (Form/View)

Till now we have rendered the custom(Extra) fields in the client form and now we will add the code to save the data of custom(Extra) fields in TJFields tables. (Store prodcut's attribute values)

Add the line given below in the save() function of model file of client to save the data of custom fields.


Parameter to be passed to the function saveExtraFields()

  1. $data (Array)
        [content_id] => 1
        [client] => com_quick2cart.product
        [fieldsvalue] => Array
                [com_quick2cart_product_color] => Array
                        [0] => red

                [com_quick2cart_product_Screensize] => 122
                [com_quick2cart_product_size] => m

5. Model file of client (Form/View)

We are done with storing the data of custom fields, now we need to add the code to delete the data of custom fields when the parent record for the extra data is deleted. (When we delete the product we need to delete the extra fields data associalted with the product from the TJFields tables)

Add the line given below in the delete() function of model file of client to delete the data of custom fields.

$this->deleteExtraFieldsData($content_id, $client);

Parameters to be passed to the function deleteExtraFieldsData()

1) $content_id (Int) e.g Product Id 2) $client (String) e.g com_quick2cart.product

6. Model file of client (Form/View)

If you want to use the TJFields Filter Module to filter out the content of the client then you need to add the code given below

JLoader::import('components.com_tjfields.helpers.tjfields', JPATH_SITE);

$tjFieldsHelper = new TjfieldsHelper;
$contentIds = $tjFieldsHelper->getFilterResults();
$client = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('client', '', 'string');

if (!empty($client))
    if ($contentIds != '-2')
        $query->where("a.item_id IN (" . $tjfieldItem_ids . ")");

Last update: June 3, 2020