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TJReports - Writing a report plugin

Writing a report plugin

The plugin type for TJ Reports plugins is tjreports.

Folder structure

  • plugins/tjreports/examplereport/examplereport.xml
  • plugins/tjreports/examplereport/examplereport.php
  • plugins/tjreports/examplereport/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_tjreports_examplereport.ini

Manifest File (examplereport.xml)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension version="3.1" type="plugin" group="tjreports" method="upgrade">
    <creationDate>17th June 2016</creationDate>
    <license> GNU/GPL</license>
    <authorEmail>[email protected]</authorEmail>
        <filename plugin="examplereport">examplereport.php</filename>

The main report file (examplereport.php)

Create a file for plugin same as plugin name - examplereport.php

At the top of the file include TJReport Model

JLoader::import('com_tjreports.models.reports', JPATH_SITE . '/components');

Extend your plugin from TjreportsModelReports

class TjreportsModelExamplereport extends TjreportsModelReports

Default ordering column will be assigned to default_order

protected $default_order = 'name';

Default ordering direction will be assigned to default_order_dir

protected $default_order_dir = 'ASC';

All columns details must be added to $columns variable. $columns is an associative array and one of the main entity of report plugin. Key of this Array denotes the report header and Value is an associative array which can have following detail as key value -

  • table_column - is directly linked to table column. This is also used in framework for ordering. If you have complex column like having COUNT than you should leave its value blank
  • title - Title will be displayed on header and on hideshow checkbox
  • disable_sorting - Set to true of this column is not sortable by default all columns are sortable
public function __construct($config = array())
    $this->columns = array(
        'attempt' => array('table_column' => 'lt.attempt', 'title' => 'COM_TJLMS_TITLE_ATTEMPTS'),
        'usergroup' => array('title' => 'COM_TJLMS_REPORT_USERGROUP', 'disable_sorting' => true),



Most important method of your plugin is getListQuery. You must have this method and this should return query for your report.

To utilize framework where and order by functionality you must call parent getListQuery method and then add your extra clauses in that query object. When you call parent method framework add where clauses as per the filters you have defined in displayFilters method(see below for more detail)

$query = parent::getListQuery();
protected function getListQuery()
    $db = $this->_db;

    /* Create query instance by calling parents getListQuery */
    $query = parent::getListQuery();

    $query->from($db->quoteName('#__tjlms_lesson_track', 'lt'));

    if (in_array('usergroup', $colToshow))
        if (isset($filters['usergroup']) && !empty($filters['usergroup']))
            $subQuery = $db->getQuery(true);
            $subQuery->from($db->quoteName('#__user_usergroup_map') . ' as ugm');
            $subQuery->where($db->quoteName('ugm.group_id') . ' = ' . (int) $filters['usergroup']);
            $query->where('lt.user_id IN(' . $subQuery . ')');

    return $query;

One can get columns to show using below line. $colToshow is an array of all columns key that use has checked to display for ex - attempt. This should not be called inside constructor.

$colToshow = (array) $this->getState('colToshow');```

One can get active filters using below line. $filters is an associative array with key as column name and value as selected value for the filter. This should not be called inside constructor.

$filters = $this->getState('filters');```

If you want to add any styling you can add your styles in getStyles method

public function getStyles()
    return array(
        JUri::root(true) . '/css/style.css'

This framework also support build in filter functionality. You need to defined on which column you want to perform filteration. Framework currently supports text, dropdown and calendar type filter. There can have max two level of filters, one on Top level and other on Header level.

Filters will be defined inside displayFilters method and this method must return associative array and this can have max size of 2.

Header level filters will be defined in 0 index. eg. - attempt, name

Top level filters will be defined in 1 index. For instance in a single course report if you want to select course and then its report will be populated Each filter will be an associative aray which can have follwoing keys-

  • search_type - it can be text, select, date.range, calendar, html for select type field you need to mention select_options which is an array of JHTML::_('select.option')
  • searchin - if you want framework to add where clause for search criteria you can define type. This is the column name where you want to search. Or you can leave it blank to add your own where clause. For that you need to add where clause in getListQuery method.
  • type - This can be 'equal’,’custom’ otherwise by default it will match for like clause.
public function displayFilters()
    $dispFilters = array(
            'attempt' => array(
                'search_type' => 'text', 'type' => 'equal', 'searchin' => 'lt.attempt'),
            'name' => array(
                'search_type' => 'select', 'select_options' => $lessonFilter, 'type' => 'equal', 'searchin' => 'lt.lesson_id'
            'last_accessed_on' => array(
                'search_type' => 'date.range',
                'searchin' => 'last_accessed_on',
                'last_accessed_on_from' => array('attrib' => array('placeholder' => 'FROM (YYYY-MM-DD)')),
                'last_accessed_on_to' => array('attrib' => array('placeholder' => 'TO (YYYY-MM-DD)')),

    return $dispFilters;

If you want to perform any data manipulation before sending it to framework for displaying, you can override below getItems method

public function getItems()
    $items = parent::getItems();

    foreach ($items as $item)
        if (empty($item['last_accessed_on']) || $item['last_accessed_on'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
            $item['last_accessed_on'] = ' - ';

    return $items;

Last update: June 3, 2020