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Joomla REST API - Making calls to API resources

Making calls to API resources

How to call API resources?

To make an API call, We need to set:

  • API URL,
  • authentication headers,
  • output format

1. Set API URLs


If you do not have SEF URLs enabled, use the endpoint URL as


Example for users plugin could be:



SEF URL to access any route is of the format


Example for users plugin could be:



To enable SEF URLs for endpoints, make sure you have created a Joomla menu of the type API > API Endpoint. If you create the menu using any other alias than api make sure you use the apppropriate slug in the endpoint.


If your resource expects an id parameter in the URL, you can use /api/{plugin}/{resource}/{id} as the API url. Other querystring need to be sent as is.

2. Set Authentication header

While it is possible for an app to make an entire resource or a specific HTTP method in a resource public, other non-public resources will need API token for authentication.

The token needs to be passed via the Authorization header using the Bearer scheme eg: Authorization: Bearer <token>.


  • Previous versions also allowed passing the token as a querystring variable with the name key. The querystring approach will be deprecated in the future version.


Sometimes Apache does not pass on the Authorization header, in such cases send then token using the X-Authorization header i.e. X-Authorization: Bearer {token}

3. Set Output Format

The default output format is JSON. However it's also possible to get XML output by setting the Accept: application/xml header.

Example url call

An example curl call may look like this:

curl --location --request GET 'http://{{host}}/index.php?option=com_api&app=users&resource=user&id=619&format=raw' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer c8b16517a0a21c446f1ee9980944cd7e'

Overriding Output

If you wish to modify the 'envelope' of the response:

  • you can copy the file components/com_api/libraries/response/jsonresponse.php
  • paste into templates/{your template}/json/api.php
  • and modify the structure of the output.


A similar override is possible by creating a xml.php as well.

Last update: June 3, 2020