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TJReports - Integration Guide

Integration guide

Installing the default instances

The reporting plugin only offers the code needed for the report. For the report to be usable, it needs to be configured. An extension developer who wishes to create default 'instances' for the plugins can do that by adding the below method in the installation script.

In order to use plugin, after installation you need to enable that plugin and to add your plugin detail to table. Below is the code that will add new entry in the table for missing plugins.

JModelLegacy::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_tjreports/models');
$model     = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Reports', 'TjreportsModel');
$installed = $model->addTjReportsPlugins();

If you are intalling plugin as a part of a package. You can call above method in postflight of package script. Above method requires some detail from your plugin so you must have below method that will return plugin detail.

public function getPluginDetail()
  $detail = array('client' => 'com_example', 'title' => JText::_('PLG_TJREPORTS_EXAMPLEREPORT_TITLE'));

  return $detail;

$detail array of above method should have following details -

a) client - This is used for grouping of your plugins.

b) title - This is the title of your plugin visible to users.

Linking to TJ reports

Just like other infrastructure extensions, you can pass the client context to show reports related to your extension. For instance Shika uses index.php?option=com_tjreports&client=tjlms for reports contextual to Shika LMS. The client is be specified when creating instances.

When user passes client parameter in the url at backend, framework also fetches the menus added in the addSubmenu of the component you passed in the client parameter.

Below is the default URL for your extension


This will bring you to the first plugin of that client type.

Plugin configuration options -

One can limit number of columns to show in the Report using plugin configuration. When you edit a plugin in tjreport you can load default params using Load Default Params . This data depends on the details you have mentioned in your plugin __construct.

Below is the example JSON Data -

        "attempt": true,


  • filter_order - Default filter column, can be any key of your $this->columns array
  • filter_order_Dir - Default filter direction, can we ASC or DESC
  • limit - Default limit of the results
  • showHideColumns - Which columns to show in show/hide dropdown. It must be a subset of colToshow(next option)
  • colToshow - By default what columns to display. Key of this data are column names(keys of $this->columns array) and value can be true or false which decides whether it will be displayed by default or not.

Last update: June 3, 2020